Author name: Keith Bryant

Open door no restraint

The relationship between language, practice and pathways in mental health has always interested me, particularly because the experiences that most of us have in life are often excluded from the labels and terms that get used in a biomedical model of mental health care.

The World Health Organisation defines the social determinants of health as ‘the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age’.

Open door no restraint Read More »

Open Dialogue Centre

More money and beds. Or a way of thinking differently about mental health care?

Late last year I received an email from a GP in our network who is working in NSW.

He had taken the time to carefully synthesise the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Community Guidance on mental health services which highlights examples from around the world where communities, services, hospitals, networks, homes, institutions and support groups are collaborating with people and families in innovative and inspiring ways. They are driving change in how mental health care is thought about and delivered.

More money and beds. Or a way of thinking differently about mental health care? Read More »

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