School Symposium
2nd August 2024
With Jan Owen, Hayley McQuire, and others

Join us for a day of experiential learning to explore how Open Dialogue can benefit schools, families, teachers, and the wider school community.

Amid growing concerns for youth mental health and wellbeing, it’s increasingly important to provide schools with integrated, evidence-based approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness.
Recent data from the ABS National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing shows that psychological distress amongst 16–24-year-olds increased by approximately 12% over the past 15 years. The full impact of the pandemic is yet to be seen.
With long waiting times for young people to access quality mental health support, schools can provide immediate support in their community – and collectively shift the dial for young people’s mental health in Australia.
Open Dialogue is an approach that could support schools in achieving this.
Listen to Sarah Farrell-Whelan discuss Open Dialogue in schools
ENGAGING IN OPEN DIALOGUE - A whole-of-school approach
Hear about the potential of Open Dialogue and engaging students, families, teachers, and young people’s support networks together in the decision-making process – from crisis to everyday individual learning plans.
Open Dialogue is showing great potential to improve:
- Student agency and self-advocacy
- Student engagement and learning
- Student mental health and wellbeing
- Relationships with parents and families
Open Dialogue aims to reduce incidents of crisis and provide better support for teachers and other staff, fundamentally changing the school environment by highlighting the crucial role of relationships and trust in our lives.
The time is now to be a part of a different approach that is safe and collaborative.
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The Open Dialogue Centre, in partnership with Korowal School, invites K-12 school leaders, education system leaders and allied support organisations to come together to explore the potential of Open Dialogue adapted to the school environment.
Korowal School will share insights and learnings from their 5-year journey of adapting Open Dialogue. You will hear from diverse voices across the school setting – school leaders, teachers, well-being staff, parents, students, and researchers.
Date: Friday 2nd August 2024
Time: 9AM - 5PM
Venue: The Carrington Hotel, 15-47 Katoomba Street NSW
Cost: $35 for Schools and $75 for Non School Registrations
**School registrations must be registered with a edu.gov.au email address to qualify for discounted price

Date: Friday 2nd August 2024
Time: 9AM - 5PM
Venue: The Carrington Hotel, 15-47 Katoomba Street NSW
Cost: $35 for Schools and $75 for Non School Registrations
**School registrations must be registered with a edu.gov.au email address to qualify for discounted price

Payment Details:
For direct transfer Bank Details are:
BSB: 082-356 Account: 24 100 7959
Please include your NAME as the reference
If you require an invoice for payment please advise via email info@opendialoguecentre.org.au
Please note your booking will not be finalised until payment is received.
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