Open Dialogue is gaining momentum in Australia and around the world

Explore global impact & research

Open Dialogue is being employed as an approach to meet the needs of different services and the communities they support – here and internationally.

Open Dialogue Centre Impact  >>

Announcing the Open Dialogue Centre and Monash University Partnership

Open Dialogue Centre joins forces with Monash University to translate evidence-based research into practice.

International Research  >>

Open Dialogue: Development and Evaluation of a Social Network Intervention for Severe Mental Illness (ODDESSI)

ODDESSI is the largest randomised control trial currently underway in London, researching the effectiveness of Open Dialogue in crisis and continuing metal health care.

Australia Research  >>

"Open Dialogue: Frequently Asked Questions"

Interest in Open Dialogue has been growing recently, raising questions about its adaption and implementation in local contexts. This article attempts to answer some of the frequently asked questions encountered in training and discussions about Open Dialogue.

Open Dialogue Centre Impact  >>

Announcing the Open Dialogue Centre and Monash University Partnership

Open Dialogue Centre joins forces with Monash University to translate evidence-based research into practice.

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International Research  >>

Open Dialogue: Development and Evaluation of a Social Network Intervention for Severe Mental Illness (ODDESSI)

ODDESSI is the largest randomised control trial currently underway in London, researching the effectiveness of Open Dialogue in crisis and continuing metal health care.

Learn More

Australia Research  >>

"Open Dialogue: Frequently Asked Questions"

Interest in Open Dialogue has been growing recently, raising questions about its adaption and implementation in local contexts. This article attempts to answer some of the frequently asked questions encountered in training and discussions about Open Dialogue.

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Wusinich, C., Lindy, D.C., Russell, D., Pessin, N. and Friesen, P. 2020.
Experiences of Parachute NYC: An Integration of Open Dialogue and Intentional Peer Support.
Community Mental Health Journal.

Brown, J., Kurtti, M., Haaraniemi, T., Löhönen, E, and Vahtola, P. 2015. A North–South Dialogue on Open Dialogues in Finland: The Challenges and the Resonances of Clinical Practice. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 36: 51–68.

Seikkula, J. 2011.
Becoming Dialogical: Psychotherapy or a Way of Life?

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 32: 179–193.

Lennon, E., Hopkins, L., Einboden, R., McCloughen, A., Dawson, L., & Buus, N. (2022)Organizational Change in Complex Systems: Organizational and Leadership Factors in the Introduction of Open Dialogue to Mental Health Care Services
Community Mental Health Journal

Ong, B. & Buus, N. (2021)
What does it mean to work “dialogically” in Open Dialogue and family therapy? A narrative review.
Australia and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy

Buus, N., Ong, B., Einboden, R., Lennon, E., Mikes-Liu, K., Mayers, S. & McCloughen, A. (2021). Implementing Open Dialogue approaches: A scoping review.
Family Process


As the international interest in Open Dialogue continues to grow, there are a number of resources available online. We have listed some that we like below so that you can learn more about these ideas.

As the international interest in Open Dialogue continues to grow, there are a number of resources available online. We have listed some that we like below so that you can learn more about these ideas.

New approaches to mental health services – Dr Christopher Gordon and Brenda Miele Soares. Open Dialogue – An Alternative, Finnish Approach to Healing Psychosis by Daniel Mackler. The Parachute Project is a summary of the Open Dialogue/Intentional Peer Support project in New York, USA. Peer-Supported Open Dialogue an introduction to the work of POD (Peer-Supported Open Dialogue) in the UK.

Madness Radio: Open Dialogue Alternative Will Hall interviews Mary Olson, an Open Dialogue practitioner in the United States.

ABC All in the Mind: Open Dialogue Lynne Malcolm interviews key people who work in Open Dialogue in Australia and other parts of the world.

Time and Tide Podcast: ‘Open Dialogue’ – a potential revolution in mental health care? Niels Buus talks about his work in Open Dialogue in Denmark and Australia.

Open Dialogues and Anticipations: Respecting Otherness in the Present Moment by Jaakko Seikkula and Tom Arnkil, published by National Institute for Health and Welfare in 2014.

Dialogical Meetings in Social Networks by Jaakko Seikkula and Tom Arnkil, published by Karnac, London and New York, 2006.

The Key Elements of Dialogic Practice in Open Dialogue: Fidelity Criteria by Olson, M., Seikkula, J. and Ziedonis, D. 2014.

Appreciative Listening by Niels Buus, Rochelle Einboden, Katherine Gill, Kristof Mikes-Liu and Ben Ong.

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